Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lesson Plans

Here is the link to my lesson plans on google docs:
Language Arts:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 10 Video Response

I think that the most important thing I learned from watching these videos is that technology can be used in the classroom even with young children. I have been feeling like the lessons I have planned thus far in our IP&T class have focused more on the upper grades in elementary school and I was having a hard time thinking of how I could write three lesson plans and implement one in the first grade classroom I am currently in. These videos demonstrated that, as a teacher, you can be the one to teach young children how to use technology. I think that my fear was that the students would not be familiar with computers and I would have to teach them the basics of how to even use a mouse. These videos showed that you can be the one to teach them that. I was inspired at how these teachers used technology even in kindergarten classrooms.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Technology Survey

In working at a Title I school, I went in expecting some extras in technology availability that may not have been at a different school. However, since I am in a first grade classroom, my teacher does not use the technology that is available and she was not aware of everything that is available to her. In talking with other faculty at the school, I found that Geneva Elementary has two classroom laptop carts, a classroom IPod touch set, as well as a classroom set of Nintendo DS. This really interested me and I was surprised to find out that the older classes take spelling tests on individual IPods and do math on the Nintendos. It is very cool to see different ways technology can be used for education.

I completed the midcourse evaluation as well as the informed consent.

Science Activity